With lots of enthusiasm and new ideas! This is how HSM started the New Year and it kicked off with the leading trade fair PBS Paperworld in Frankfurt. We’ve made a short film for you to give you some impressions from the trade fair.
HSM GmbH + Co. KG, de Zuid-Duitse fabrikant voor kantoortechniek uit de regio aan de Bodensee, presenteert zich wederom op de PBS-vakbeurs Paperworld in Frankfurt. Naast innovatieve nieuwigheden rondom de producten heeft HSM ook omvangrijke marketingactiviteiten in petto. Te vinden is de HSM-stand op de vertrouwde plek in Hal 3.0, Standnummer D85.
HSM, a global pioneer of environmental technology, offers market-leading solutions for the ecological and economical management of waste. Popular products, all manufactured with a ‘Made in Germany’ quality, include both horizontal and vertical baling systems, the ProfiPack packaging machine and a range of PET solutions with compaction technology.